Sunday, June 24, 2012

Feeling insecured

I am feeling insecured.
This old bad feeling is back to me.
I need to get rid of this.
It is not going to do me any good.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Why are you so bothered about things?
You know you have great friends.
Why compare?

Control your thoughts.
Tame your mind.
Don't let put yourself down because of useless comparison.
Cherish the things you have.
The grass is always greener on the other side.

Friday, September 02, 2011

Summer Memories

Let me just record down the things that happened this summer in USA.
I met Josh Meyer.
Initially I don't like him coz he looks like a nerd and his jokes are not even funny.
After spending sometimes to know him, I realize that he is nice and he is someone that can make me smile.
We went to ride the extreme ride together and I was really scared.
But because Josh is beside me, I know I am safe.

I am really happy with him around.
Sometimes I even thought of giving up everything and move to the states to be with him.
He only told me that he is going to miss me and nothing else.
I was sad, sad for the fact that it seems to be an one sided thing.

On the last day before I left, I cried in his arm
Coz I know that I may not get to see him again in the near future,
and I know that I am going to miss him.
Before I left, he didn't even give me a goodby hug.
He said that I was nice to everyone, but mean to him.
Perhaps that's his impression of me.

I wish that I didn't fall for him, but someone else like Dimitar instead.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

他很忙,一个星期工作快90个小时,连休息的时间都没有了,何况是对一个都不太了解的我。我走之前的每天,几乎他都告诉我I WILL MISS YOU。我不知道他是不是认真的,可能对他来说,这只是一句平常不过的话,不过对我来说我却很认真。走之前的那天,我抱着他哭了,发现自己有多么的不舍得离开。我后悔自己早点做点什么,只是让自己好过点。

Friday, May 27, 2011

You need to be stronger.
Life cannot always be smooth sailing, otherwise it won't be fun anymore.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
You got to be yourself,
people likes you for who you are.
If they don't like you, then
they won't like you even if you behave like someone else.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My days in US

I am not complaining, just that I want to voice out my emotions.
For the few days here, sometimes I really feel lonely.
I don't know why is this happening to me,
was I not friendly enough?
Or was I just unlucky?

God, if you are there, if you can hear me,
can you give me the strength to pull this through?
can you give me the assurance that everything will be alright?
I really hope things will get better and better.

Monday, May 23, 2011

It's my 2nd day in the states.
Things are not as good as I expected.
But never mind, i won't give up.
God willl be there with me.
I will face today with a smile.