Saturday, June 03, 2006

Nothing but everything

Nothing much to say..
I am still the same.
AFter today's audition,i realise a few thing.
How horrible my singing is,
how good other ppl can sing.
While let's comment on the judges.
Nothing much to say about Yimin and the girl(I forget about the name).
The one i want to talk about is the Eugene.
He is really very professional at commenting ppl.
And i really look forward to hear his singing.
How good can he singing?

Anyway i won't talk much
coz i really have nothing much to say.
SInce my blog is not frequently viewed,
i don't have to be responsible for any updating.
ANyway i am the only faith reader..
SHould i feel pathetic about the fact i just mention?
I dunno..
ANd don't want to know..

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The rotting egg..

AS what Shell says, My blog is rotting..
SO am i..
Recently really too exhausted to do anything.
4 days of consecutive suffering,
make my battery almost go flat..
ANyway i should not be considering that as suffering,
especially when the pay comes..

I find that i am making the common mistakes again and again.
That is trying to be poemtic by using broken sentences.
While i think that's why i can not make any improvement in my english,
but i will still stick to that no matter what..
That's my style..
It's simply me..
The eggy way..

Looking back,
that's one thing i often do.
Letting go of the past seems easy,
but not to me..
I am simply not this type of people.
You can forget something easily,
This shows all those things are not important,
you never take it to ur heart.
On the other hand,
if it's something extremely important,
something weighs almost equvalent to ur life,
will u ever forget it?
Of course no,
just like u seldomly forget about ur ATM password..

My idiosyncrasies are killing me now..
But i will never change..
In the past, i changed too much,
in order to fit into the society.

Maybe because i am too naive,
i thought transformation will help me become a better person.
But it proves that i am wrong.
Once u r changed,
u can never go back again..

Actually everyone in the world is lonely,
some constantly,
some occasionally,
some accidently..

No matter u r married,
or single.

what so ever,
are just a tool to keep us away from loneliness,
we often forget one thing,
that is we r never apart from lonely,
we are a part of lonely...