Tuesday, December 28, 2010


A lot of things happened coincidentally.
Today I saw Anton at a coffeeshop at Tanjong Pagar,
then I saw Vee on the train back to NTU.
Everything is just so coincidental.

I feel so blessed that I actually found a job.
Think about it, my life is so much better than a lot others.
I should really cherish what I have.
Perhaps I am goin to make some major changes in my life next year.
Change for the better.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Life is fair and unfair.
There's no way that you can have everything.
What is most imporant,
be happy with what you have.
Maybe you are just not fated for certain things.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Sometimes my instinct really tell me a lot of things,
but I am just lack of courage.
I am not really sad, but just feel disappointed with myself.
Perhaps things will be a lot more different if I am more brave.
Resolution for next year, be more brave and daring.
Fight for what you want instead of waiting for it to drop from the sky.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

My mum is the best woman in the world.
For her, I need to work hard.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

waking up refreshed

Sometimes I am depressed,sometimes I found myself to have no reason to be depressed.Life isn't bad on me.At least I still can wake up to see the beautiful sky.Sometimes I choose to take the tougher route instead of relying on people.Maybe I should learn about how to reply on people instead of being too indepedent.Actually there is plenty of beautiful things to look forward to,is it?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Even the strongest person has weakness.
I am not strong.I am just weak.
It just seems so hard to control my emotion.
Once again, I feel so alone.
My tears are coming down when I met my mum yesterday.
I regretted of mychoice of forcing myself to grow up.
I want to have a family, be with friends and behave like a normal kid.
But I have none..
This is bad.I know that I shouldn't be emoing before exams.
I should use the time to study for exam.
But what I can do?I cannot control my feelings.
How to find a way out?
最近真的发现妈妈很疼我,很爱我。我好像因为那件事情一直误会了妈妈,这样真的很不应该。我很高兴我有一个这么看的开妈妈,这么支持我。不管我想做什么,她也不怎么阻止我。我告诉她我以后我以后可能不会找一份安稳的工作,可能也不会结婚,可能会过着居无定处的生活,她什么都没说,只是说只要你开心就好。有几个妈妈能这么多看的开,我想大部分的父母应该都觉得我的想法很荒唐吧。的确我是一个很荒唐的人,很多时候都是靠着冲动来过生活,不切实际。其实我也很想过安稳的生活,但是现实不让我过安稳的生活,那我只好过不一样的生活吧。我也想有个完整的家庭,不用担心钱的问题,有个对我好的男朋友,但是这些对我来说是奢求。我只能用我自己的方式过我的生活。开心不开心都是自己决定的。这个地球少了谁还是一样会转。突然有一个想法,5年以后我想去NEW YORK.工作,在那里住一两年吧。存够钱了就却学摄影。也许一辈子都是这也飘流着。也许一辈子都是这样潇洒的一个人过着。

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Perhaps I will be alone for the rest of my life.
That's kind of sad,right?
But that's how life is, right?
We cannot change it, then we got to accept it.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Learn to grow up

My days in uni so far have taught me about how to learn to grow up. It is impossible to be with people all the time,sometimes we have to be alone and we need to get use to being alone.Being alone doesn't mean loneliness,being alone means there is more time for yourself.We spent too much time on others,talking to others,entertaining the others,but have we spent enough time for ourselves?Coz i am free a lot of the times,i start to wonder what do i really want in life.Coz i am not making lots of new FRIENDS,i start to cherish every single friend in my life.Coz people around me talked more than I do,I start to realize the importance of listening. Severally,I feel scared and panick of being alone.what if i am still alone 10 or 20 years down the road?But does it matter(Nothing matters as long as I am happy. Even if nobody treats u,treat urself well.U r the master of ur own life.Thank God for making me realizing all this.I know the journey of life is tough,but I am going to become tougher to withstand all this.