Thursday, April 28, 2011


I think things are getting a lot better than what is used to be,
or at least my perspective of things changed drastically.
Nowadays my relationship with my mum improved significantly,
she looks happier than she used to be too.

Well, I am still stuck with poverty.
My stocks are not doing well.
And there is still one important part of my life that is still missing.
Hopefully that missing piece can be filled up soon.
I really hope what I have discussed with mum yesterday can come true:)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I want to be pretty.

I want to be pretty.

I want to be pretty.

Or at least, a bit slimmer.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Life as it is

I went to see psycharist today.
After thinking about it for so long,
I finally decided to go ahead and see one.
Hopefully it will change something.

Had a crazy evening at ADM building with Marine and Li Rui.
It seems uni life is getting more and more wonderful.
The only part that is incomplete is still the same thing.
Perhaps someday it will change.
But when is the day?

Goals for this year:
1.Find my love.
2.Improve on my photography skill.
3.Continue writing
4.Find something that I am really interested in.
5.Travel more

Perhaps i shouldn't be expecting too much from myself.
What do you keep on comparing yourself with others?
At the end of the day, what it matters is how you feel, not how well you do.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Burma VJ

After watching this documentary, I found that my worries are pretty lame. What I am worrying is so small little stuff that is so insignificant as compare to the livehood of a country. This documentary is the best that I have seen so far. It arose my interest to see burma. I will definitely go to Burma one day.
昨天是Comm Fun 的mid term,考完试我就和Xiao Chen, Jing Jing去Jurong Point大吃大喝了。他们四个人要一起去bali,可惜那个时候我要去美国,要不然就能跟他们一起去旅行啦。虽然我喜欢背包,但是偶尔跟朋友出去奢侈享受一下也不错。好久都没有过的这么开心自在啦。 晚上去看了JDC的表演,虽然我觉得他们表演的一般,但是让我下定了要努力学跳舞的决心,我最大的问题就不能专心,把一样东西做好。今年一定要努力改掉这个毛病啊。


Thursday, April 07, 2011

I simply love chilling at the Starbucks, espcially the outlet at Westcoast Plaza. The ambience is simply awesome. I am really glad that my relationship with my mum has improved so drastically. Now we are more like friends who talk about almost everything. She mentioned something that makes me really happy. I wish that it can really come true. Then my 10 years of hardwork will be paid off. Played basketball with Belinda and Hui Yi in SRC. I am totally a noob in playing basketball. It just feels so good to sweat your heart out.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Walked around the school with Cassie last night. For the first time, i know that the school is so big. Finally I have some feeling for the school. I really hope that by the end of my 3 years here, I will feel reluctant to go. I hope that I will miss this place just like how I always miss my other schools. Out of sudden, I feel like writing letter. I feel like writing letters to a lot of people. To those I am sorry for, to those I am grateful for, to those I feel there is a need to write to them. I know it seems kind of stupid. Why can't you just talk to them about it? Perhaps a lot of things are hard to say it out. I think it's time to do something to salvage my friendship with all those people. Or to improve on my relationship with them. I want to watch the red dragon flies. Joy is acting in the movie. But too bad the tickets are sold out at SAM. Have to find alternatives.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

我觉得有点累 我想我缺少安慰
我的生活如此乏味 生命象花一样枯萎.








I need some guidance.
Can someone show me the light?