Monday, April 04, 2011

Walked around the school with Cassie last night. For the first time, i know that the school is so big. Finally I have some feeling for the school. I really hope that by the end of my 3 years here, I will feel reluctant to go. I hope that I will miss this place just like how I always miss my other schools. Out of sudden, I feel like writing letter. I feel like writing letters to a lot of people. To those I am sorry for, to those I am grateful for, to those I feel there is a need to write to them. I know it seems kind of stupid. Why can't you just talk to them about it? Perhaps a lot of things are hard to say it out. I think it's time to do something to salvage my friendship with all those people. Or to improve on my relationship with them. I want to watch the red dragon flies. Joy is acting in the movie. But too bad the tickets are sold out at SAM. Have to find alternatives.

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