Friday, April 09, 2010


It's like finally that we have booked our tickets for holiday.
The thoughts about going for a holiday together has been emerging since year 1 or 2.
China, Maldive,Korea, Bangkok,Tioman and eventually Phuket.

I am sorry if I have caused some unhappiness.
All I want is for us to go for a holiday together and leave some beautiful memories behind.
I am still positive about going to Thailand though it may be a bit chaotic at the moment.
But I believe that things are going turn out to be fine,
we will have fun over there, is it?
God will bless us and protect us.

Received offer for NTU biz.
Really happy about it since it is the course I wanted.
But I began to worry about the finance part.
How to finance my school fees and living expenses in uni?
Kind of difficult.

A bit pissed off yesterday about some people.
Understood that you are concerned about us,
but please don't be a wet blanket and think that the whole world evovles around you.
Moral of the story,
my character is just too strong.
I cannot click with some people unless for socilizing purpose.

Sometimes I am really happy to have this bunch of friends,
for them to be so accommodating and tolerate my nonsense.
Though sometimes they bully me, they laugh at me, they quarrel with me,
but it adds flavours to life, is it?
Perhaps things will change after graduation.
But in my mind, nothing will change.
I am being sentimental again.

Anyway bless me for upcoming tuesday!
Hopefully I can make it through.

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