Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Another titleless post.
I dunno what to name my post.
Coz i just lack of the ability of coming up with nice nice phrases or sentences.

I am wondering if i really can reach my goal.
Maybe it's just another dream of me.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

caught in the middle

I was not sure is it the right thing to do,
but i am still doing..
Things always gone beyond my control,
while i feel totally helpless...
What should i do?
I often ask myself this question.
I still can't find the answer.

Last friday,
Maybe it's this friday.
I was at Bishan.
Suppose to be shopping and browsing around.
I don't want to mention the name of the characters of this narrative,
it won't benefit any one.
But little things happened
which change cause my mood swing uncontrollably
Maybe i am really an autie,
going to have monopause soon.
I was caught in the middle
Not knowing what to do
Not knowing what should i do.
Maybe i can still act as retarded.
Then my heart won't hurt much.

Don't worry!
I am not feeling sad.
Nor Depressed.
WHile it makes me realize how strong am i.
I am strong enough to accept any thing

Should i describe the story more clearly?
i think no need.
Since i know the whole story,
i am the only one reading my blog,
i don't have to explain to anyone.
If u know,
Then u will know.
If u don't know,
Then u don't have to know.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

可是, 好多时候,往往以为很想得到的,得到了却没什么了不起。那天,收到他的sms,我才发现心里的感觉早已随着时间消失。不知道自己为什么那么傻,在一件事情上拖拖拉拉了5年。这一点也不像我,但是我又是怎样的呢?

school days

i have been wondering what can i say about school days...
Pardon me for using the word sucks...
It's the only word comes to my mind..
I may be exaggerated, but it's so real...
So many things happened after holiday..
I just can't accept it..
In facts, many things had happened before holiday started, i am just too stupid to understand..
So what if i know..What can i do?Can i change the consequences?i can't..
By the way i don't think that will affect me anyway.
After going through so many challenages, i have grow stronger..Mentally and physically..
It won't affect me anyway..my only aim is to success, to get what i want..
Nothing could be too real than that...
WIsh me all the best