Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Be contented

One should be contented with whatever he has.
If you always asking too much, you will never be happy.
I always commit this mistake, yet i make it better.
Friday I meet Wei for dinner before he is going to America.
3 months.It's pretty long.
And it's a bit sad coz there won't be anyone that I can scold when I am feelin down.
Sat is a good day.
I am so happy to receive that call from Siu Qing.
Yes..I am in for BA society.
And then I laugh and I laugh like a mad woman until Xue Feng start to despise me.
But I am still happy.
Getting into BA society means_______.(Haha..Fill in the blank)
Basketball is fun. I have not been playing basketball since sec 2.
Another thing I am going to say is about I Dare.
I saw the I Dare poster.
And i realize that i am not in for SF.
Maybe it's a good thing.
I can have more time for BA society and for my study.
But i really miss the I Dare trip.
Miss going out with all the BT and SFs
Many things are happening.
Many more things are going to happen.

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