Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I think those people who doesn't know me well will think that I have split personality.
One moment I can be so emotional, the next moment I can be so happy over simple things.
I am learning how to be happy and how to think positively.
Perhaps it will just take time.

I finally met up with Ivy today.
It has been so long since I last met her.Well, our meeting is really infrequent.
Anyway I am so glad that I actually know someone like her, who will expose me to different things and share with me different kind of opinions and advice.
Going to meet some new friends from States/New Zealand/India next week.
Sounds exciting, is it?

Asked Wei about work and travel programme USA.woohoo.
Glad that he hasn't totally forget about me,
and he even said he is willing to offer me high interest loan to go for the trip.
Not sure about how true it is, but I am happy to hear about that.
Even mum is supporting me to apply for work and travel programme USA.
Finally I am one step closer to my dream.
Hawaii,New York,LA and many more places.

Moving to my hall tomorrow.
And I am going to survive on my own.
I don't know if I can cope with everything,
but I am going to face it with a smile.
Wish me luck.

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