Monday, October 04, 2010

Learning to accept myself

I am learning accept myself completely.
In the past, I always want to become someone else.
Even for the past few days,I tried to act young and think in an immature manner.
Then I realized how pointless it is.
If I really cannot behave like the others, so why bother about it?

I am happily living in my own world.
Well, that doesn't mean I don't go out and socialize.
It only means that accept who you are, then people will accept who you are.
Thank God for having such a supportive mum, who always shows me support in whatever I do.
I doubt most of the parents won't be so supportive as her.
They will prefer their kids to do well in school,have a successful career and go for expensive holidays.
At least for most of the parents in Asia.

Well. Those female hormone inside me is making me going crazy.
I was still hoping to be friends with X.
I also was hoping that Y will come back and show some care and concern about this old friend.
There are people that I want to care about too.
But those are just fat hopes.

Going for social dance tomorrow.
Bless me with good luck.

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