Well,I think my appeal won't be successful.
Nobody has responded me yet.
It's nothing significant,so I shouldn't be feeling too sad,right?
I made a fool of myself by wasting hours and hours on bus to East Coast park,
just to say happy birthday to Justis.
Then went to harbour front to meet the MCs for dinner.
It's our first dinner outside without having any meeting earlier.
Feel so good to hang out with them.
I really glad that I joined BA society in the first place.
I am glad that:
Ppl said I look nice today;
Ppl said that my voice is like singing,hope i won't like talking while singing;
Feng Jie and Co will miss me even if we are not in the same class.
Actually I am getting contented by little things in life.
Actually there are many things that I really want to know,
really curious about how it starts and how people think of it.
I think as one is getting old,one tend to see things from a wider perspective.
So what if you have the entire world?
You are still nothing in everyone's eyes.
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