Monday, January 19, 2009

I dunno wat happen to me last year,
I made a lot of mistakes.
Mistakes after mistakes.
Smaller mistake which lead to bigger mistake.
Snowball effect.

It is really draining me out.
It transformeds me,
from someone who like to joke to someone serious;
from someone who are enthu about everything to someone who enthu about nothing;
from someone who is happy go lucky to someone who have lots to worry.
what is left,
it's only responsiblity,
not passion.
Perhaps,it's just doesnt suit me.
Initially I made the wrong decision.

It seems everyone is going to the states.
Today I met a girl who is going to NYU.
Jie Sheng went to Indiana University;
And a senior from my primary school is in Virgina University.
How I wish I can be there too.
I just need a change of place, a change of mood.
A new start of my life.

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