Thursday, October 15, 2009

Seasons of love

Met up with TDP gangs on wed.
Finally catch up with them after so long.
I made the wrong choice by going for this trip.
Made so many friends, learnt some mang things.

On the way back home,we are talking about making a next trip to the Philippines.
All of us missed the times at Philippines so much.
I really hope that we can go back there together.

Sometimes I really found myself being overly mature for my age.
I am thinking too much ahead of time and age.
People around my age are thinking about relationship,MSN and fashion.
I am thinking about investment, buying houses and reduce the poverty problem.
Maybe that's why I prefer older people than younger ones.

I was having a cold since yesterday.
And it gets worse in the afternoon.
I was sneezing most of the times inside the office.
Maybe that's why my collegues asked me to go home earlier.
When you are sick and tired, then you feel that you really need someone.
Anyway life still have to go on.

I really hope there are some changes.
Some positive changes to life.

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